From No GTM Plan to 40 Meetings per Month

Projectworks is a professional services automation SaaS. They help professional services businesses manage operations more efficiently.

The Results: 

  • Scaled the the outbound function from non-existent to 5 SDRs in 18 months
  • Generated an average of 40 Sales Qualified Leads per month
  • Generated $240,000 per month in pipeline 
  • 15% connect rate on cold calls 
  • 10% conversion rate from connect to meeting booked

The starting point:

Projectworks engaged Sales Science a few months after closing their Seed Funding funding round led by a US Private Equity firm. Their brief was simple. Help us design and implement a process that turns professional service organisations into paying customers. Before engaging us Projectworks had relied on their existing networks to attract a handful of paying customers. 

What we did:

Implemented our process…

  1. Built the market map for AUS and NZ initially then expanded to the US
  2. Developed problem centric messaging that took prospects from “who are you” to “let’s meet”
  3. Executed the outbound activity across phone, linkedin and email
  4. Made adjustments to targeting and messaging based on what the data told us. 


Avg. 40 SQLs per month

$240,00 per month in pipeline

Over 800 total meetings set

Raised $3.5M off the traction we helped them create

Want to see if we can generate similar results for you?

Let's jump on a call.

Meet with our founder

Want to meet to discuss what an outbound engine would look like in your business?