How to Handle The 3 Most Common Cold Call Objections (scripts)

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Matt Aird
5 min read

Today I’m going to show you exactly how to respond to the three most common cold call objections.

Make enough cold calls and you’re bound to run into these a few times a week.

If you manage these objections well, you’ll waste less time chasing prospects that aren’t interested and spend more time speaking to those that are.

Like anything - cold calling and objection handling can be perfected, if you have a plan and you practice enough, you’ll become dangerous. If you try and wing it, handling each objection on the fly, you’ll lower your chances of success.

You need a plan to manage every kind of objection if you want to succeed in sales.

Today we’re going to look at the general framework you can use to manage any objection and then we’ll run through the exact scripts we use to manage these objections:

  1. Can you send me some information
  2. I can’t talk right now
  3. I’m not interested

The framework for responding to cold call objections

Whenever you get an objection on a cold call there’s a three part framework you can use to manage it. Regardless of what it is. That framework is:

  • Understand
  • Uncover
  • Proceed


In the first part of the response is acknowledging that the objection exists and not just blowing through it.

You do this by saying things like “I understand…”, or “I appreciate that…” or “I get it…”


Next step is to uncover the prospect's actual position so that we know what we’re dealing with. We do this by saying things like “ is that because x or y or something else”


Finally we need to proceed with a question that gives us a chance to continue the conversation. You do that by saying things like “In that case would it make sense to…” or “Okay, based on what you’ve told me so far would you be against…”

Let’s look at a few real world examples and build responses to them using our framework.

Can you send me some information

Prospect: Can you send me some information


Understand: Yeah I understand I’ve caught you out of the blue here

Uncover: What would you be interested in seeing, anything specific or…

Proceed: Okay, No problem. And would you be against me calling again later this week to see if that information resonated at all, or am I totally misreading this, and you’re politely telling me this isn’t a priority right now?

I can’t talk right now

Prospect: I can’t talk right now - can you call me back


Understand: Yeah I understand I’ve caught you out of the blue here

Uncover: So I don’t waste your time in the future is this something that you’re interested in learning more about or…

Proceed: In that case, what day and time this week works best for a quick 5 minute call?

I’m Not Interested

Prospect: I’m not interested - thanks


Understand: I get I’ve called you out of the blue here

Uncover: Before we hang up if I’m not not asking too much is that because this isn’t a priority right now or have I just caught you at a really bad time?

Proceed: Okay, based on what you’ve told me - a call back next quarter might be better…

The key to these responses is in the delivery. Stay composed. Don’t rush. Speak with a neutral tone and get comfortable delivering these responses. And if you have any other objections that you run into on a regular basis remember:

  • Understand
  • Uncover
  • Proceed

You’ll end up with much better results next time you run into these objections.

That’s it for this week.

Happy Hunting!

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