How to Hire World Class SDRs

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Matt Aird
5 min read

To build a world class SDR organisation you’ll need a world class group of SDRs. To get them and keep them you’ll need to run a world class recruiting and onboarding programme. Here are a few pointers on how to do just that. We’ve split the recruiting and retention process into three stages. Pre-interview, Interview and Onboarding.


Sell them on the vision of the future

In order to attract great people you’ll need to paint a clear picture of what your company is working towards and how they’ll be contributing to that.

Pay above market rates

It’s worth it everytime.

Provide a flexible work environment

If they want to, let you SDR teams work remotely once they’ve been onboarded. It’s easy enough to monitor, train and share best practices from afar.


Make the interview process relevant

SDRs will typically interact with prospects over the phone and via email. Make sure a large proportion of your interview and assessment process takes place through these channels. SDRs don’t have to be impressive in-person.

Set them an assignment

Put their baseline skills to the test. Have them write a prospecting email, leave a voice message or come up with ideas on how to handle common objections. For the later stages of the interview you could even role play cold calling scenarios to see how they think on their feet.

Have them meet members of your SDR Team

You want your candidates to have a full understanding of the role, your environment and the people they’ll be working with. This helps to eliminate any false expectations and also gives your team a chance to provide feedback on who they think would be a good fit culturally.


Invest in real training

Have a structured training programme that teaches your rep about your product and their role. This can’t be a-hoc it needs to be structured to ensure everyone begins on the same page. It will take a ton of time to develop this but it’s worth it.

Have a structured and planned onboarding process in place

During their first 2 weeks of employment your new recruits should have a really clear understanding of what they’ll be doing every day. Develop a detailed itinerary for them. This helps to eliminate some of the anxiety of starting a new job and makes sure they get through this initial period learning everything they need to.

Pair them up

Pair them up with a senior member of your existing SDR org. They can use this person as a sounding board throughout their onboarding and it will help them to integrate into the team more quickly.

Get them to review it

Have each of your new recruits rate and review the onboarding process. This honest feedback will help you to streamline and improve it overtime.

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