How We Book Meetings with Fortune 500 Companies Using Linkedin DMs

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Matt Aird
5 min read

Today I’m going to show you the process one of our reps followed to book 74 meetings in the last 3 months exclusively using LinkedIn DMs.

That’s right - the often moaned about - but highly effective (if you use it correctly) LinkedIn ‘Pitch Slap’.

You don’t have to look far on LinkedIn for a post berating a sales person for having the audacity to try and sell to them on LinkedIn. Here are a few:

And to be honest, these takes are probably warranted, most people trying to sell or book meetings through this platform are doing it wrong. They’re relying on generic messaging and automation.

In this article I’ll show you how to do it correctly. We’ve used this approach to book meetings with executives at companies like Tesla, PWC, Walmart, Berkshire Hathaway Energy, Progressive Insurance and dozens of other fortune 500 orgs.

Here’s what I’ll break down today:

  1. How to send as many connection requests as possible without using automation and getting your account disabled
  2. How to structure the connection request message
  3. The ultimate outreach sequence structure once connected
  4. How video and voice messages should be leveraged
  5. How to manage your inbox for efficiency (without paying for automation tools)

Let’s dive in…

Pitch Slapping On LinkedIn Works… If you Know How To Do It

1. How to send hundreds of connections per week without automation

Prospecting on LinkedIn is like anything else. At a certain point it becomes a numbers game. The more at bats you have - the more opportunity you have to reach your desired goal.

Therefore being able to send a high volume of connection requests is vital.

The trap most people fall into here is to utilize automation to send hundreds at a time. It’s not worth the risk - LinkedIn has become very good at sniffing out these automation platforms and you risk having your account permanently blocked. Don’t do this.

Instead - have a list of people you’re going to reach out to on Linkedin in an excel sheet - so that you can open their profiles and connect with them directly. Most data providers will have Linkedin profile URLs in their data sets. Get this exported and work off the sheet.

For some reason (probably due to the number of page views occurring) we’ve found we’re able to send many more this way as opposed to running a search in Linkedin and sending connections off the search results.

Generally we can get away 150-250 per week as opposed to 100 if you’re sending off of LinkedIn search results page.

2. How to structure the connection request message

We’ve found the following structure to work really well across a range of title and functional areas: It looks like this:

Hey {{first_name}} wondered how you were managing {{problem}} at the moment. If you accept this connection I'll shoot through a video outlining a unique perspective on this. If not, that’s okay too. Have a great week - {{your name}}.

Here’s how we could structure this for RiteChannel - One of our services:

Hey {{first_name}}

You’ll want to aim for 15-20% Connect Rates. If you’re not hitting this mark - tweak messaging until you do.

3. The Ultimate Sequence Structure Once Connected

Once you’re connected on LinkedIn the magic can begin. Here’s how you’ll want to structure your outreach:

Here’s how to send videos and audios in LinkedIn Messages:

To send a video - Click the paper clip Icon circled on the left hand side of the screen, Then click the ‘Take a Photo’ option:

Then just toggle the camera to be front facing and you’re ready to record.

To record an Audio message, simply click the microphone on the right hand side of the dialogue box.

You then press and hold the microphone to record.

Simple as that.

4. How video and voice messages should be leveraged

Okay now we’ve got the structure of the outreach sequence and the mechanics on how to send video and voice messages - what are you supposed to say?

Here’s the framework we use.

Video Message

Hey {{first Name}}, thanks for connecting - I wanted to connect with you to understand how you’re looking to address {{problem}}. We’ve found {{solution}} has led to {{results}}have you ever tested this at {{company}}? If not - would be happy to run you through how it works if it sounds interesting to you. Have a great day.

Here are a few examples:

Hey {{first Name}}, thanks for connecting - I wanted to connect with you to understand how you’re looking to improve connect rates on cold outbound prospecting. We’ve found channel validation - i.e reaching out to prospects where we know they’re responsive has led to 20-30% connect rates. Have you ever tested this at {{company}}? If not - would be happy to run you through how it works if it sounds interesting to you. Have a great day.

Hey {{first Name}}, thanks for connecting - I wanted to connect with you to understand how you’re looking to remove the ambiguity that exists when communicating project progress to stakeholders. We’ve found continuous real time data capture through onsite cameras and sensors leads to more aligned teams and less site visits. Have you ever tested this at {{company}}? If not - would be happy to run you through how it works if it sounds interesting to you. Have a great day.

Hey {{first Name}}, thanks for connecting - I wanted to connect with you to understand how you’re looking to manage compliance obligations when it comes to valuing fx and interest rate swaps. We’ve found a middle ground between spreadsheets and expensive treasury management solutions that provide exactly what you need at a fraction of the price. Have you ever explored solutions like this at {{company}}? If not - would be happy to run you through how it works if it sounds interesting to you. Have a great day.

Voice Message

Hey {{first_name}}, not sure if the video played - wanted to have a quick discussion with you about {{problem}}. We’ve found a way to {{solution}} that delivers {{results}} - if this sparks your interest at all let me know. Cheers

Hey {{first_name}}, not sure if the video played - wanted to have a quick discussion with you about connect rates on outbound prospecting. We’ve developed a process we call channel validation that increases connect rates from 4% to 23-30% - if this sparks your interest at all let me know. Cheers

5. How to manage your inbox for efficiency (without paying for automation tools)

The best way to manage this outbound process on Linkedin is to batch your activity. That is - when you go to send a video message - send the video message to everyone that has accepted your connection request at that point in time. Send audios to everyone that is ready for the audio message at that time. That way - the prospects will show up in your linkedin inbox grouped together. You won’t have to scroll through your inbox as much to see who needs to be sent what message. You’ll also be much more efficient in getting these out - as you won’t be context switching as often.

Hope that helps. Happy Selling.

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