Stage 2 Of The Worlds Best Cold Calling Framework

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Matt Aird
5 min read

In the first article in this series we looked at the best way to open cold calls. You can catch that here if you haven't seen it.

The second stage of the world’s best cold calling framework is the problem statement.

This is the key part of the cold call framework. It’s typically the make or break. Deliver a good one and you’ll get into a good conversation. Botch it, and you’re playing from behind.

Here’s how to deliver a good one.

The problem statement needs to be focused on a specific problem that your prospect is likely facing that you can help them resolve. The problem needs to be something that is stopping the prospect or the business from reaching their objectives.

Here are a couple of examples:

We typically work with BDR teams that are missing quota due to the fact they don’t have enough conversations with prospects. Not because they can’t convert when they speak to them, but because they don’t get into enough conversations. Does this ring true with you as well or??

We help marketing teams at consumer brands such as X and Z finally get clarity on how their investment in brand marketing is impacting awareness and preference rates without spending 10’s of thousands with the likes of Nielsen and Kantar. Curious if you have a way to track this day to day at the moment?

We help construction companies remove the fuzziness that occurs when trying to communicate what’s happening on site with management and other stakeholder groups. Is this fuzziness in communication something {{company}} struggles with at the moment?

Why Problem Statements Work When Cold Calling

When you’re cold calling you want to get to “what’s in it for me” as quickly as possible for the prospect. These problem statements - if designed correctly - allow the prospect to understand this within the first 20 seconds of the call.

If you’ve written the problem statement effectively, that is, you’ve outlined something they’re likely battling with day in and day out, you’ll have their attention. Once you have their attention you can get into a conversation about what you do and how you do it.

Things to think about when designing your problem statement

  • Make it as specific as possible
  • Use terminology, language and jargon that your prospects use
  • Keep it short - less than 20 seconds

Keep an eye out for the next blog post in this series where I’ll break down the third part of the worlds best cold calling framework, the Pain exploration.

If you don’t want to wait for that, you can get access to our guidebook “The world's best cold calling framework”, which breaks down each of the four stages in detail and provides examples for each. Get access to that here

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