The Secret To Better Cold Calling... Is this mindset

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Matt Aird
5 min read

Today I’m going to explain how cultivating a particular mindset can transform your ability to generate business via cold calling.

This simple mindset shift will reduce call reluctance and lead to deeper - more meaningful conversations with prospects - which ultimately means more sales.

It’s not about bringing more energy, it’s not about visualizing how these dials help you achieve your goals, quite the opposite. The mindset focused on understanding the prospects current situation. Let me explain…

Focus on identifying whether or not this prospect has a problem you can help them to solve.

In this article I’ll cover two things.

  1. What is the mindset
  2. Why this helps you make better cold calls

1. What is the correct mindset when cold calling

The mindset you should have when cold calling is to simply focus on discovering whether or not the person you’re speaking to has a problem you can help them to solve. That’s it. Have a single minded focus on this. If they have the problem, great - explain how you can help them to solve it. If they don’t have the problem - no worries on to the next one.

2. Why this helps you make better cold calls

You’ll reduce the emotional roller coaster of cold calling

First of all when you’re focused on whether or not the prospect has a problem you can help them to solve, you remove the internal pressure to convert on every call. Every rep has experienced the internal tension that builds up when a prospect picks up.

“Oh this is my chance, don’t blow it Matt, you need this one to hit this week’s number.”

Anyone who’s made cold calls knows that more often than not, you don’t get the outcome you’re after. Which means you’re disappointed after the majority of your calls. You didn’t achieve what you set out to achieve.

But most of the time this outcome is outside of your control. Your solution won’t be a fit for everyone. Some people will have already solved the problem, some organizations will have workflows or structures that mean the problem isn’t relevant.

By switching your focus to uncovering whether or not the prospect has a problem you can help them to solve, you remove this roller coaster of emotion. As we said before, if they have a problem, great book the meeting, if they don’t, no worries. On to the next call.  This makes it easier to continue to make calls, which is more than half the battle.

You’ll have better conversations

When you’re focused on the prospect and their problems you’ll end up having better conversations. When a prospect is focused on what they want from a call they often default to what I call pitch mode.

They want to tell the prospect all of the great things their solution does. The ROI it has, the cost savings of implementing their solution, why their product is better than competitor X.

But the prospect doesn’t care about any of that. They care about solving their problems. But a rep doesn’t know what those problems are unless they ask questions.

Being focused on the prospect naturally leads to more questions.

“Interesting- why did you decide to do it that way?”

“I haven’t heard of that solution before, is it like X?”

“I see - does that also handle expense reimbursements or do you manage that somewhere else?”

These questions lead to uncovering problems and much richer conversations.

You’ll end up booking more meetings

By having richer conversations you’ll book more meetings. If you can uncover a real problem when you’re cold calling - you’ll be successful on that call more often than not.

So the right mindset for cold calling is a simple one. Just focus on uncovering whether or not the prospect has a problem you can help them to solve. If you do this you’ll:

  1. Reduce the emotional rollercoaster of cold calling
  2. Have better conversations
  3. Book more meetings

Good luck out there.

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