Here’s a dead simple - deadly cold call script framework that you can apply in any B2B sales situation.
Our reps used it to book more than 3500 meetings in 2023.
Writing a script is a balancing act . Too restrictive and it sounds robotic, too wide open and there’s too much variation call to call making it hard to understand what’s working and what isn’t.
The phone will be the best performing sales channel in 2024.
Our framework has 4 parts:
- The Opener
- The Problem Statement
- The Pain Exploration
- The Close
Let’s break each of these down.
Part 1: The Opener
We like to use permission based openers in combination with context setting statements.
Here’s an example:
Hi {{first_name}} we’ve never spoken before, but I was hoping to get 20 seconds to explain why I’ve called?
Why context setting, permission based openers work
Whenever you speak with a prospect on a cold call, there is a subconscious process occurring in their mind. They are trying to place the context for the call. Is this a customer? Is this a partner? Is this the building company that is calling to discuss the quote they sent me?
You need to break this process before the prospect can truly engage in conversation.
Our opener does this. By saying “we’ve never spoken before” or “you weren’t expecting my call” or “I know I’m an interruption” you’re breaking that subconscious process. They can now start listening to you.
The second part of the opener is tasking permission. “Can I get 20 seconds to explain why I’ve called”
Once they grant you this permission (which should happen 95% of the time) you’re now free to proceed to the next step.
Here are some other gems from Lewis Mode:
Part 2: The Problem Statement
This is the key part of the framework. It’s typically the make or break. Deliver a good one and you’ll get into a good conversation. Botch it, and you’re playing from behind.
The problem statement needs to be focused on a specific problem that you help customers to solve.
Here are a couple of examples:
We typically work with BDR teams that are missing quota due to the fact they don’t have enough conversations with prospects. Not because they can’t convert when they speak to them, but because they don’t get into enough conversations. Does this ring true with you as well or?
We help marketing teams at consumer brands such as X and Z finally get clarity on how their investment in brand marketing is impacting awareness and preference rates without spending 10’s of thousands with the likes of Nielsen and Kantar. Curious if you have a way to track this day to day at the moment?
When you’re cold calling you want to get to “what’s in it for them” as quickly as possible. These problem statements - if designed correctly - allow the prospect to understand this within the first 20 seconds of the call. If it’s relevant, the conversation will continue. If not - it ends and you’re on to the next one.
Part 3: The Pain Exploration
Here is where we dig into the prospect’s current situation. We want to ask questions that allow us to do two things:
- Understand their baseline position
- Open up the conversation
This section of the framework is harder to script in its entirety because at this stage of the conversation you want to have a conversation. In the framework write down some questions that allow you to uncover their current situation.
Okay, interesting - what is your dial to connect rate at the moment are you around industry average of 4% or….
And have you tried putting anything in place to lift these recently?
How did that work out?
What worked well in that situation?
Okay interesting - and how are you tracking brand impact at the moment are you working with the likes of Neilsen and Kantar to get these insights or do you have some form of always on tracking…
Have you tested any other approaches to these insights such as always on or social voice?
Were you happy with the outcomes?
Okay interesting - how are you managing that communication process at the moment, regular site visits and written reports or do you have some technology that helps to streamline this?
Have you ever looked at remote camera solutions or drone technology to help with this?
Why did you decide not to roll that out?
The best reps will get into deep conversations with prospects at this point. Just remember to wear your curiosity hat, be genuinely interested in the prospects current situation and ask questions to uncover deeper context.
Part 4: The Close
This should be fairly simple if you’ve managed to uncover a problem that you can help the prospect to solve.
Here’s how we structure them.
- Pull information from your conversation into the close.
- Ask a no oriented question
Together it looks something like this.
“So {{first_name}}, it sounds like based on what you told me about X and Y that we might be able to help. Would you be against spending 20 minutes on a quick call with us later this week to learn more about how we do that?”
Pull all of this together and you’ve got a killer cold call script.
Happy Hunting.
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