Why Sales-tech and Mar-tech SaaS should go all in on LinkedIn content (the right way)

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Matt Aird
5 min read

Why Sales-tech and Mar-tech SaaS should go all in on Linkedin content (the right way)

If you're building a startup in the sales or marketing space, you should be incentivising your employees to produce content on LinkedIn.


Here’s the tldr for you:

  1. Sales and Marketing decision makers are the most active personas on LinkedIn
  2. Less than 1% of users regularly post content (so it’s easy to become noticed)
  3. Personal profiles dominate company pages (in terms of engagement and reach)
  4. Multiple personalities with a voice improve the odds prospects will be drawn in

Sales and Marketing decision makers are the most active personas on LinkedIn

Based on data we pulled from LinkedIn Sales Navigator, 35% of Marketing VPs at computer software companies have posted on LinkedIn in the last 30 days. This figure is 27% for Sales VPs.

These two persona types are more active on LinkedIn than any others. Here’s a sample of the activity rates by persona:

Being able to reach one quarter to a third of your market through a single low cost channel without any investment is amazing.

This alone should encourage salespeople and marketers alike to go all in on this platform. But we have a few other reasons.

Less than 1% of users regularly post content to LinkedIn

That means the platform unlike any other social media platform (besides maybe Tiktok) is content deficient.

That means LinkedIn needs to share your content far and wide in order to fill up the feeds of its users. The reach you can achieve through this platform is phenomenal.

It’s not unusual for a post I create (I have around 4000 followers) to get 1500 -2500 views. In fact I’ll achieve this on about 20% of the posts I create. If I’m able to achieve 2000 views on a post that’s the equivalent of about $13 in ad spend when compared to average CPM rates.

That’s a ton of free awareness I’m able to drive about me and my business without having to pull out the credit card.

Personal profiles dominate company pages

The second reason you should have employees building brands, rather than focusing on traditional company brand building on LinkedIn is the engagement rates of content produced by people vs company pages.

Let’s take a look at few examples:

Dave GerRecently the Chief Brand Officer at Drift. Has 121,000 LinkedIn followers and regularly gets 1000’s of comments and likes on his posts.

Compare that to the company page for Drift:

Drift has 65,000 followers but barely cracks double digit engagement on posts.

Another example is Chris Orlob. Head of Sales at Gong.

Chris has 33,000 followers with most of his posts generating 100-200 likes

His company, Gong, on the other hand has 117,000 followers and averages between 10-30 likes per post.

There are countless examples of this. On LinkedIn people want to interact with people. The power of the platform is that profiles are not anonymous. Users can get to know the person behind the profile.

This leads us to the final point.

The Barstool Sports Approach

By getting multiple people at your company to create authentic content you maximise the likelihood that one of your prospects will be drawn in to engage with someone on your team.

My content, my view points, my writing style won't resonate with everyone. Therefore If I’m the only one producing content on LinkedIn, the people that don’t vibe with the way I communicate won’t be drawn in.

If your CEO is the only person producing content, there will be a % of people that aren’t drawn to her.

But if you have 5 or 6 different voices, now you increase the chances that a prospect will find someone they resonate with.

This is the Barstool sports approach. Love them or hate them, Barstool understands that people are attracted to different personalities. Some people love Dave Portney, some people only watch for Big Cat’s takes, and others are just there for Caleb Pressly.

Encourage more people to have a voice and watch your reach grow.  

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